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January 13, 2019
Video Production
For Your Local Business


Introduction to video Marketing

In the event of your online business or blog posts not making use of video marketing, then you're certainly missing out on by far the most engaging, powerful and potentially rewarding forms of online marketing.

Video content marketing is on the rise. Why?
a) mobile video consumption rises 100% every year,
b) companies who utilise video see 41% more web traffic than those who don’t,
c) by 2019, 80% of online content will be video.

Using Video for Your Local Business

Video marketing can quickly capture your visitor's interest as well as allow you to build authority in the niche in ways in which few other forms of marketing can approach; therefore it is essential to start leveraging this form of promotion in your plans as quickly as possible. Video marketing can be so effective that it may well be the only thing that you require to be able to get the word out relating to your online business.

Video = Conversions

Video соntеnt mаrkеtіng isn’t limited tо ѕlарріng a vіdео on уоur YouTube сhаnnеl, оr сrеаtіng a tv аdvеrtіѕеmеnt; it encompasses ѕеvеrаl fоrmѕ аnd tactics.

Thеrе’ѕ еxрlаіnеr videos tо educate, рrоduсt demos to convince, vіdео tеѕtіmоnіаlѕ tо reassure, videos tо entertain, ѕосіаl vіdеоѕ tо еngаgе, еmоtіоnаl brand vіdеоѕ tо attract, аnd ѕо mаnу other types of video thаt can fоrm уоur video marketing ѕtrаtеgу; all lеаdіng tо one рrіmаrу gоаl – сrеаtе a wіldlу successful buѕіnеѕѕ.

video marketing for small businesses

Get the Facts

Benefits of Using Video Marketing

There are lots of factors that help to make video marketing notably effective and more so when compared with various other alternatives.

The best selling point of video marketing is the fact it is so highly engaging. The human brain has developed to be able to focus on moving visuals and sounds which is the reason why we are naturally prone to stop and watch the tv set whenever it is on in the background. Maybe you have been speaking with somebody while there is a television on in the room in your home then discover that they're looking right past you and at the tv screen? The audio may be off and could very well be playing adverts, but still, most people are virtually unable to turn away. This is simply not something personal ( usually), it is merely a perfect illustration of precisely how moving images keep our interest.

video marketing facts

More Facts

Video can boost more conversions and sales. By simply adding a product video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%.

83% of businesses say that video provides a good return on investment. Online video editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. Even your smartphone can make pretty decent videos if you're tight on a budget

Content marketing is based on trust and creating long-term relationships. Video marketing is a great way to stop selling. Let's face it, who likes to be sold too. Let the people come to you by providing them with interesting and useful information about your product and service.

Google loves video. Now that Google owns YouTube there has been a significant increase in search rankings. Videos allow you to increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Thus, longer exposure builds trust and signals search engines that your site has good content

Video appeals to mobile users. Since people like to watch videos on the go, and the number of smartphone users is growing, your video audience keeps getting bigger and bigger.

In a Nutshell

Video offers a virtually hypnotic quality which is a fantastic trait for virtually any online marketer.

marketing with video

Another benefit of video is that it is passive. This simply means that your website visitors never really need to 'actively' read anything or really put any kind of effort in whatsoever. The moment a person lands on your page/finds the video on YouTube, it can begin playing immediately, and they will begin absorbing that factual information. Since we've previously demonstrated, that video is very difficult to look away from therefore as soon as you have caught their attention, the likelihood is they are going to watch to the end of the video.

The reality is since the video is multi-sensory, your website visitors don't need to be looking at the web page to ensure that it to be effective. But more importantly: video is an incredible opportunity for anyone to build authority and create a relationship.

The key element to be aware of about videos is that not every online business or blogger offers them and that suggests you can use them to set yourself apart from the masses. When compared with written content or banner ads, producing videos involves a much larger investment in time, a bigger budget and more skill. All this signifies that merely including a video on your website will certainly make your business look significantly more professional.

This is the reason why it's so extremely vital that you uphold high production values in your video marketing throughout. If your video footage is comprised of you sitting in your bedroom, stuttering and coughing while delivering your sales message, then you certainly will turn people off from conducting business with you. On the other hand though, for those who have a video that has crisp HD imagery, remarkable editing and professional narration then this tends to communicate to the viewer that your business is professional and worth taking seriously.

Last but not least, video enables you to put your important message across in a very persuasive and engaging manner. When you have caught the interest of your potential customers and dazzled them with your extraordinarily professional production values, you can then have the opportunity to put your important message across in a widely more influential manner compared to through any other method. The reason is this will help you speak directly to your target audience and to demonstrate them your enthusiasm for the products or services you provide. With the proper video, you can lend individuality to your business and build up an understanding of trust and authority. Music can help you to sell emotional points ( great for putting across that value proposition ) while the opportunity to speak and gesticulate on what it is you do will lend much more power to everything you say.

small business video production


In case you're still not sold on the sheer power of video marketing, take a moment to consider some of these statistics.

  • One minute of video is worth 1 .8 million words based on research conducted by Forrester Research.
  • 100 million internet users watch online video Every Single Day.
  • 90% of online shoppers say that video helped them with their buying decisions
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google!
So, with all that in mind, are you ready to start creating compelling and engaging videos to market your business?

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